Excuse the randomness and the non- beauty related post but having just moved into a house with my boyfriend, I have become a bit of a homemaker (just picture Mrs Beaton in her apron with her mop...although not so old fashioned). Anyway, having finally moved in and got most things sorted, I have finally begun to get down to the fun bits!! For those of you that don't know (why should you, I don't think I have ever mentioned it), I was brought up vegetarian and have never eaten meat, although most people find that a little strange. My Mum and Dad were always lucky enough to have a big garden and so always grew their own vegetables and fruit. There is something very scrummy about home grown vegetables being used in some good home cooking, in my opinion anyway! So naturally when we moved into our house, we both decided we wanted to try and grow some. However there were 2 problems, firstly the garden is the size of a pin and secondly we are temporarily renting so I didn't really want to start a vegetable patch up, to have to stop it in a year. Soooooo when I was at my sisters the other day, we went in her shed, found some pots and compost and went to the garden centre! I wanted to get some spinach seeds and some herbs (rosemary, mint, basil, thyme, parsley), but also ended up buying a pepper plant and a chilli plant, all of which were in the sale woohoooo!!! My Mum had already given me 2 tomato plants in pots, and my sister gave me a courgette plant and an aubergine plant, all of which they had grown at their hosues! So I have spent the last day or two, potting them, watering them, starring at them and hoping that every time it rains a miracle will occur and I will go outside and see lots of red tomatos, peppers and lovely vegetables (this has yet to happen)!! SIGH : (
My Little Vegtable/ herb area! whoop
My tomatoes, coming on my tomato plant..they will eventually go red woohooo!!!
My little herb window box....I WANT THEM TO HURRY UP AND GROW!!! This was a bargain, the whole set, box, tubs, labels, seeds was meant to be £11 but I got it for £2.90!! I had to have it! It is now sat in my kitchen window, although I do keep putting it outside during the day to get some light.
All in all, I am very excited about my little vegetable/ herb area!! The whole thing cost me less than £10 to set up and I already have about 10 tomatoes coming up, 2 courgettes, a dozen chillies, and 3 peppers!! I think in the long run this will be well worth the money and will hopefully save us some! I am really enjoying looking after my little plants. Next on my list, winter lettuce, although I need to see if I can grow it in pots! I am also determined only to buy plants and seeds in the sale and their are some brilliant ones at the moment.
Anyway, if you have read all of this very random blog post, well done!!! haha! Let me know if you would like to see more of these and if you grow your own vegetables!! I am welcome to lots of suggestions, hints and ideas!
I am off to plan my next, beauty related blog post, which will be up later this week!! Have a wonderful day, you lovely people. : )
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