Thursday, 6 August 2015

The Next Chapter: You Tube, Career shake up, general life and a tough year.!

So for those of you who have been here before or are new to my blog, HIIIIIII!!!!!!!! I thought I would use this post to update you on my life and the changes that the last year has seen (and trust me there has been a lot)!

So lets start with where I was this time last year. After 5 years in the same job, I found myself dreading work every day, stressed more than I could have imagined possible, single, lonely and feeling like I had completely lost myself.  Fast forward a year (and a lot of Soul searching later) and I've changed jobs, got myself an incredible boyfriend (and two gorgeous step children), a new home, and am finally getting to do the thing I have been desperate to do for years....You Tube and Blogging. So why couldn't I do it till now? My previous job had a lot of restraints and uploading to YT and blogging was seen as a big no no and a conflict of interests. In all honesty it killed me, it was the one thing I  knew I could seek refuge in and I suppose in many ways it made me resent the job I was in...How could I let a job dictate what I could do in my own time, especially if it made me so happy?!

Im not going to lie and make it sound like leaving my job was simple, it was far from it! I had a lot to consider and I suppose money played a big part in it initially, but I finally realised that my health, happiness and wellbeing was too important to compromise. After all you only get one chance at life. This was only empahsised when back in May I was rushed into hospital bent over in agony, being violently ill and not being able to walk. We later found out that unknown to me I was pregnant but it was ectopic. This was followed by weeks and weeks of going back and forth to hospital and making some horrific decisions. In all honesty, it was one of the most horrendous experiences of my life and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. It sent me into quite a deep depression and I ended up being written off the last 2 months of my old job with illness. So why am I telling you all this?! Simply because this is still something I am dealing with and I have my ups and downs. However YT and focusing on getting this blog up and running was one of the biggest things that got me through, it gave me direction, hope and a lifeline.

I am so unbelievably excited to be back in the blogging world and to be (FINALLY) making YT videos all about beauty, lifestyle, my life and whatever takes my fancy! I will be blogging as much as I can and vlogging where I can.

I hope you all enjoy watching my videos and reading my posts. Sorry if this has been a slightly depressing post, but sometimes you have to be honest and to understand me you  need to understand my life!!

G xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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